
I am a first-year Ph.D. student in Artificial Intelligence at Music and Audio Research Group (MARG), Seoul National University where I am advised by Prof. Kyogu Lee. My research interests lie in robustness in speech processing.

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<aside> <img src="/icons/book_gray.svg" alt="/icons/book_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Publications



arxiv (preprint) Exploring Train and Test-Time Augmentations for Audio-Language Learning, Eungbeom Kim*, Jinhee Kim*, Yoori Oh, Kyungsu Kim, Minju Park, Jaeheon Sim, Jinwoo Lee, Kyogu Lee.

2023 INTERSPEECH Debiased Automatic Speech Recognition for Dysarthric Speech via Sample Reweighting with Sample Affinity Test, Eungbeom Kim*, Yunkee Chae*, Jaeheon Sim, and Kyogu Lee.

2022 INTERSPEECH ****Representation Selective Self-distillation and wav2vec 2.0 Feature Exploration for Spoof-aware Speaker Verification, Jin Woo Lee, Eungbeom Kim, Junghyun Koo, and Kyogu Lee.


2021 Voice AI Challenge

5th Prize on **Voice Pathology Detection,** Seoul National University Hospital


2022 Jul

Deep Learning for Music Analysis and Synthesis, 2022 Summer School, Korean Society for Music Perception and Cognition
